What is needed for healthy actions to actually create healthy bodies?
Three keys immediately come to mind, and the first two are Frequency and Consistency. Two Examples:
A third key to creating healthy bodies from healthy actions is a Lifelong Commitment to those healthy actions. For example, consider the following questions.
What should your diet look like? Which nutrients or vitamins should you be getting and exactly how much of each do you need? Should you exercise 1 day a week, 3 days, or 5? Should you exercise for 20 minutes, or should it be an hour and a half? The answer to all of these questions is quite simply that I don’t know because you are a unique individual. Your habits and lifestyle are unique to you. The exact chemical makeup of your body this instant is unique to you and is not even exactly the same as it was just seconds ago. What I can say is that you are likely to get the most benefit from healthy dietary choices that are made on a frequent and consistent basis for a lifetime. Likewise, I can say that you are likely to get the most benefit from exercise if you exercise on a frequent and consistent basis for a lifetime. Chiropractic care is no different than any other healthy action you choose to do. Exactly how often do you need to get adjusted? I don’t know, exactly, because you are a unique individual with a lifestyle and habits that are unique to you. What I can say is that you are likely to get the most benefit from chiropractic care if you get your spine checked (to see if it needs to be adjusted) on a frequent (I recommend at least weekly) and consistent basis for a lifetime. For me for the first two months of 2012, “frequently” meant getting my spine checked 5 days a week Monday through Friday. Currently I get my spine checked every Monday and Friday. My kids (ages 13, 10, 7 and 1) get their spines checked by me once a week at a minimum, and I couldn’t imagine going more than a week without getting my spine checked. At the office, I provide memberships so you can afford to apply the three keys of Frequency, Consistency, and Lifelong Commitment to the healthy actions of getting your spine checked and adjusted. In other words, I provide memberships so you can afford the same care that I give to my family.